My loving Father has told me many times that he prefers my writing in this Blog to be upbeat and light. I agree with him. However, in light of what has happened in the last few days, I can’t ignore the “elephant in the room”. I think it is important for me to acknowledge the beast and say that The Barn Community’s hearts and minds are with all those affected by the sad and horrific circumstances in Connecticut. While we continue to live our lives, shop for the Holidays and see family and friends, we are still forever marked by the events in this Eastern state.
I sometimes find it very difficult to personally confront the horror in this life. The past few days have been incredibly difficult for everyone in this country to assimilate and find any kind of understanding as to why the slaying of innocent adults and children at an elementary school could happen in our society. In fact, I find it increasingly difficult to comprehend why this appears to be happening with more regularity over the past decade.
I clearly remember Columbine. I remember sitting in a restaurant watching it unfold on the television. I remember knowing that my brain was not entirely processing what I was watching….like a wall had gone up to protect me for the truth of what was happening just 15 miles away. You see, I have two beautiful children (Alex and Connor) and I simply cannot fathom the pain that is being inevitably felt by family and friends who knew any of the victims of this senseless act.
When I say that my thoughts are with everyone touched by this situation, I mean that in honor of these surely mortified and heartbroken people, I try to emotionally reach out with my mind and touch the pain and personally feel it for a while. It is impossible for me to do this for very long, because it can be overwhelming and debilitating, it does seem to help me honor and remember those suffering a thousand miles away.
The Barn Community will be putting a donation jar at the front desk today for the victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. All donations will be made to the Newtown Youth and Family Services Organization in Newtown, Connecticut. This organization will be responsible for directing these monies to those affected by this catastrophe. Please join me and my fellow merchants in providing what relief we can to those in need.
There will never be enough that can be done to help those in pain, but this is a start.