Everyday is FUN at The Barn!

One of best things about owning a retail shopping destination like The Barn Antiques and Specialty Shops is continually learning exactly what ‘turns our customers on’. I must admit that it is probably a very daunting task to be a retailer in this day and age as people are constantly changing their shopping tastes. […]
November is ‘Thanks & Giving’ to YOU!

It seems that The December Holidays start earlier and earlier every year. It is only the beginning of November and already there is Holiday inventory on the shelves everywhere! However, before the excitement and mania of the Holidays become center stage, The Barn will again celebrate the month of November with our annual Thanks & […]
The Barnie Boutiques

I am a long-time lover, and shopper, of antique and vintage items. Both of my parents are originally from the East Coast and growing up in my house meant living with Queen Anne furniture and bedroom sets that my parents had as children. By the way, those bedroom sets are still around in my parent’s […]
I have always been struck by how magical The Barn feels to me. This beautiful old structure has been in Castle Rock for well over 100 years…like a sentinel overseeing all the changes that have made Castle Rock one of the top places to live in the country. Pictures of the Barn dating back to […]
Learning “small town” ways.

The saga continues…. After I was sufficiently manipulated into signing a lease on the barn, My Crazy Landlord (Steve) gave Mr. Country Palace Antiques exactly 30 days to vacate the premises. Well, suffice it to say that Mr. Country Palace was definitely not happy with the news that he was being kicked out of the […]
Let’s start at the very beginning….
In 1996, EBay was a fledgling online auction site that I immediately decided to take advantage of. I saw ‘dollar sign’ potential. As I have said before, after moving to Castle Rock in June, 1996 I was instantly intrigued by this huge white barn in downtown Castle Rock. It kind of loomed over everything else. […]
Rivers of Lemonade
They say that if life gives you lemons you should make lemonade. Well, sometimes when it rains it turns into a river. As we all know, July is the wettest month of the year. We are supposed to get inches and inches of rain in July. We did in fact get inches and inches of […]
Trains and Whistles

The trains that roar through Castle Rock are beautiful (and noisy) things. Some Castle Rock residents want to move the tracks to the west side of I-25 (for obvious safety reasons). I am against this as I believe that the Train is a necessary component to our small town lifestyle and I personally love it! […]
Welcome to the Chatterbox!

It is astounding to me that The Barn in Castle Rock, Colorado is over 14 years old. It seems just like yesterday. I guess time flies when you are having fun! Of course back then there were tumble weeds blowing down Third Street on Sundays and we could actually see The Rock from the front […]