Our Customers are AMAZING!!!
I want to dedicate this BLOG to all The Barn’s customers who made our Eat, Drink and Give drive for the Douglas/Ebert Task Force such

Summer Lovin’ at The Barn!
The Annual Mother’s Day Tea Party Event was such a success that I wanted to share it with you… Preparing for our events requires lots of Barnie

The Magical Shopping Experience
Unfortunately, not all shopping is fun. Personally, I don’t like to go grocery shopping….I am also not a fan of visiting large discount box stores

Antiques are EVERYWHERE!
March has been an extremely busy month at The Barn! So much new inventory! Such a successful new event called a “Spring Fever Sensational Open

February is such a LOVELY Month!
The Barn hosted a brand-new event earlier this month and WOW, was it successful!! Until I was told by my Barnies, I didn’t even know

Barn Weather Conditions!
January is a notoriously volatile month weather-wise in Colorado. It could be sunny and warm-ish one minute and below zero the next. Coloradans are used

A Magical Twelve Months at The Barn!
The Barn Antiques and Specialty Shops has been enjoying a very Merry and Magical Holiday season this year!! I want to extend a Heartfelt Thank

Wonderful NEW Happenings at The Barn!
I have been quiet for a while….I know! I have been very wrapped up in all the marvelous changes going on over the past several

Everyday is FUN at The Barn!
One of best things about owning a retail shopping destination like The Barn Antiques and Specialty Shops is continually learning exactly what ‘turns our

The Barn Magical Holiday Shopping Experience!
Let’s face it…the Holidays can be stressful!! Shopping, cooking, cleaning, parties and family visits (to name few things) all make up the Annual Holiday Experience

November is ‘Thanks & Giving’ to YOU!
It seems that The December Holidays start earlier and earlier every year. It is only the beginning of November and already there is Holiday inventory

The Barnie Boutiques
I am a long-time lover, and shopper, of antique and vintage items. Both of my parents are originally from the East Coast and growing up

‘Girl’s Night Out’ was a BLAST!!
We all love a good party!! I have to say that our “Sip, Sample ‘n Shop” Girl’s Night Out event this past Friday night was
Family and Loyal Customers at The Barn!
I know I brag about your Loyal Barnie Merchants at The Barn in Castle Rock, Colorado all the time, but I don’t think I have

Preconceived Notions
I have been a little lazy about writing lately….not because I don’t like to write, but rather I have been traveling! Recently, my older son
Slow down and Savor
Do you ever find that the best things in life are savored slowly….? I know that many times I need to concentrate and just slow
Happy New Year to Old and New Friends!
I’ve noticed something lately…while I consider myself to be the same basic person that I always remember, I have also changed somewhat. Ever since I
Thankful for Defining Moments
Yesterday morning I had a defining moment. I was waiting for my parents to call and let me know that they were coming over to
Seeing things for the first time.
I had the pleasure of taking my parents out to a wonderful brunch here in the Phoenix area for Father’s Day. I had mistakenly assumed

Celebrating 16 Years of Small Business Magic!
May, 2014 marks the 16th anniversary of the opening of The Barn Antiques and Specialty Shops. That’s right, The Barn opened the doors to the

Easter Tradition at The Barn
Traditions are an important part of many people’s lives. Most traditions fall around holidays, but some are more personal like birthdays, anniversaries, vacations or even
The Barn is featured in “Living Castle Rock Spring Edition”

How far would YOU go?
How far would you go to support someone you love? What would you sacrifice? What would you change in your life because someone you cherish
The Phenomenal and Magical
Did you ever want something so bad that it hurt? I had an experience today where I realized that something I wanted very badly I could
The Magical Heart of The Barn
Our wonderful, mysterious and magical human hearts represent life….and, especially around the 14th of February, they also represent love. Last night around 2:00am I was
The Oldest
I am the oldest child of 4. All the things they say about being the oldest are true (at least for me). I was the

Alex’s Gift
Twenty-three years ago today my life changed forever…. I gave birth to my older son, Alex. I have to be honest and say that nothing
Many parts of life are extremely beautiful, especially when love plays a key ingredient. Consider of grouping of fresh, live herbs…oregano, thyme, basil and rosemary.
We are faced with many choices in life every single day….the seemingly endless options can certainly be a bit overwhelming. We choose what food we

The Magical Music Plays On And On!!
Almost exactly one year ago I added three new members to our Barn Team. If you were to look back at my Blog dated September
Texting, texting, 1-2-3….
Up until a few years ago I was pretty old fashioned with most of my communication skills….my landline was my best friend! As many adults
Changes are the Spice of Life!
Unlike many people that I know, I find that I’m quite fond of change in my life. I like living in different places, starting new
Hi Y’all!!
I recently returned from a wonderful trip to Nashville, Tennessee and have truly fallen in love with this beautiful area of our Country. My older

As seen in South Denver Lifestyles Magazine!
See how we are featured in the Spring Edition of South Denver Lifestyles Magazine! (pages 26-27) Click on the image below to view the magazine.
Peel back the layers…
I have been in Las Vegas during the past three days for my son’s orientation as a freshman at UNLV. I should say that Vegas
Memories are cloudy, but happy!
I am an absolute believer in several versions of the same truth. For example: You know how a police officer will interview many witnesses to
Celebrate Moms,Dads and New Lives
I think you finally know what the true meaning of parenthood is when you find yourself crying (out of fear) and laughing (out of pride)
Feel the LOVE!!
What does it mean when we say “I love you” to someone? Usually “I love you” is equated with romantic love…but there are all kinds

Entertainment is all around us!!
One thing I have definitely noticed about writing a blog is that I am more in touch with the world around me. So many things
My first “sighting”
I have wondered from time to time what it would feel like if I was recognized by someone in the general public just from my
Reading and other stuff.
One of the most intense and consuming relationships I have in my life is with my Kindle reader. I simply don’t know how I would
Great Minds Think Greater Together!
I love this country! In my opinion the United States of America is the best place in the world to live and work! I am

There are “Barn” tags EVERYWHERE!!
I really don’t know if I have an unconventional habit or that I am horribly lazy! I’m sure most of you remember Minnie Pearl…..right? She
‘Stepping Up’ to a New Year!!
The Barn in Castle Rock has a fabulous New Year’s resolution to share with you…we are stepping up our game!! Very simply put, The Barn’s New
“After Hours” at The Barn
Imagine having a private dining and shopping experience at The Barn…..maybe you and a few of your best friends have a Birthday to celebrate or

A Different Way of Celebrating!
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! I wanted to indulge myself and write from more of a personal perspective….I love The Barn, but today I am
Scary Stuff at The Barn!
I love having dinner with my Son…he is the unwitting inspiration for many of my blogs. Usually we talk about cars (he wants a new
Recent Events
My loving Father has told me many times that he prefers my writing in this Blog to be upbeat and light. I agree with him.

A Barn Holiday Invitation
The Holidays are a time for friends, family and good cheer. Unfortunately, for some people, the Holiday season isn’t such a cheerful time. The Holidays
Holiday Thoughts
The holiday season is a time for reflection and being thankful for all the good things in our lives. It is also a time for

Stars and Community
We have our annual small town community holiday celebration tomorrow…it is called Starlighting. Castle Rock has been lighting a big star on top of its

My Son is probably going to hate this post but I can’t help myself! I am the proud Mother to two beautiful young men. My
Celebrating Loyalty
The Barn in Castle Rock hosted an extremely successful ‘Thanks and Giving’ Event for our customers this past weekend. I have never seen such an
My Barnie Karma
We are blissfully busy and happy at The Barn this time of year. We have many scheduled events coming up for our customers and happy
It Snows in the Strangest Places
The shopping days leading up to the first Christmas at The Barn were relatively quiet. After all, this was a new shopping venue and we
More Barn History…Weddings!
I have a history of biting off more than I can chew. Shortly after opening The Barn in Castle Rock I decided to try to

Opening Day Picture Treat
I have heard from many of you asking about my Crazy Landlord. Ok, ok…he was a handsome man…. This picture was taken on Opening day

The Magical Music
I have three new members of my Barn team! They live in the back of the property. The deal between us is that I provide
I have always been struck by how magical The Barn feels to me. This beautiful old structure has been in Castle Rock for well over

Learning “small town” ways.
The saga continues…. After I was sufficiently manipulated into signing a lease on the barn, My Crazy Landlord (Steve) gave Mr. Country Palace Antiques exactly
Barn vs. Landlord
The idea of leasing The Barn in Castle Rock simultaneously thrilled and terrified me. At first I did not have a clear idea of how
Let’s start at the very beginning….
In 1996, EBay was a fledgling online auction site that I immediately decided to take advantage of. I saw ‘dollar sign’ potential. As I have
Trivia for a Gift Card!!
Ok , ok…the feedback is “More Barn History Stories”!! Hmmmm…I think I can up with more of these, but the problem will be deciding which
My Good/Badness
When it comes to my precious Barn in Castle Rock, I must admit that I am a very Good/Bad girl. I struggle with my good/badness
My new “OLD” car.
Who knew that buying some new tires for my son’s car would be such a satisfying experience? The ‘new tire’ smell in our garage is
Rivers of Lemonade
They say that if life gives you lemons you should make lemonade. Well, sometimes when it rains it turns into a river. As we all

Trains and Whistles
The trains that roar through Castle Rock are beautiful (and noisy) things. Some Castle Rock residents want to move the tracks to the west side

Welcome to the Chatterbox!
It is astounding to me that The Barn in Castle Rock, Colorado is over 14 years old. It seems just like yesterday. I guess time